Water Leak Closes Bicentennial Overpass for Third Time
(Acapulco, NA 26 January) For the third time so far this year, the much-heralded Bicentennial Overpass has been forced to close down so that CAPAMA can repair another water leak. Once again the traffic backups during rush hour caused desperation for many drivers. Mayor José Luis Ávila Sánchez has gone on record several times, stating that the constant water main leaks along the new roadway were the result of sabotage by the PRD, the party opposing his former boss, Manuel Añorve, in the governor’s race. Quietly the mayor has ordered that CAPAMA reinstall new pipe along the distance of the overpass, to avoid further problems.
The mayor has been summoned to testify before the state legislature concerning the finances of the Bicentennial Overpass as well as the quality of the construction in the hastily completed public work. Political opponents suspect that funds for the project were siphoned into the PRI campaign, even as the timely completion was trumpeted as evidence of Añorve’s capable administration. Twice the mayor has declined to appear on the dates specified, alleging “previous commitments.” If he dodges the third summons, he may be subject to sanctions by the PRD-controlled legislative body. Political opponents argue that he is “buying time” until after the elections, when whatever fallout there might be from his appearance will not hurt his former boss’s chances at the polls on Sunday.