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Mexican Embassies

United States of America 1911 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.,
20006 Washington, D.C., USA
Tels. (202) 728.16.00, 728.16.50, 728.16.94
Fax 728.16.51
Canada 45 O'Connor Street, Suite 1500 K1P 1A4,
Ottawa, Ont. Canada
Tels. 001 (613) 233.89.88, 233.92.72
Fax 235.91.23
Australia 14 Perth Avenue, Yarralumia ACT 2600,
Canberra, Australia
Tels. (612) 6273.35.39, 6273.39.05, 6273.39.63
Fax 6273.11.90
United Kingdom & Northern Ireland 42 Hertford Street Mayfarir W1Y 7TF., London, UK
Tels. (44171) 495.40.25, 499.85.86
Fax 495.40.35
New Zealand 111-115 Customhouse Quay, 8th.floor,
Wellintong, New Zealand
Tels. (644) 472.05.55, 472.55.55
Fax 472.58.00, 496.35.59
Ireland 43 Ailesbury Road
Dublin 4
Tel: 01 260 0699
Fax: 01 260 0411